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Archives - August 2021

August 31, 2021

Add Another Division

There’s never been a better time to add a new Division. Additional divisions are available for $10 each. For a list and explanations of the 23 SSSP Divisions, visit To add a division, login at The “Purchase a Division” link is under the “Divisions” section,

08/31/2021, 02:44 PM


August 27, 2021

Higher Education Labor Summit

In July of 2021, a group of higher education unions, student groups, and individuals, including members of the SSSP’s Labor Division, participated in a summit to lay out a vision of higher education as a social good and universal right. The result was the vision statement linked below. Upon request of the Chair of the Labor Studies Division, the Board of Directors voted to add the Society’s name to the list of organizations supporting the statement.

Link to Higher Ed Vision statement:

08/27/2021, 10:13 AM


August 26, 2021

What Our Members Say

Has the SSSP made a lasting impact in your life? Consider submitting a testimony to be shared on our website by emailing Check out President Noreen M. Sugrue’s testimony below and visit to hear from others.

“My earliest memory of SSSP is as a graduate student. It was an inviting and exciting place to be. It was a place where ideas based on scholarship were at the center of all discussions but most striking was that all the conversations included how to use our findings to make the world better. To this awe-struck graduate student, it was the most exciting thing ever – research findings were going to make the world more just and fairer.

Fast forward to 2021, after a stint working on Chicago’s west side, North Lawndale to be exact, 20 years as a faculty member, and now as Director of Research for The Latino Policy Forum in Chicago, I find myself not only using research to influence policy, but I am also honored to be the President of the organization that first showed me that research, activism, and change could and should be conjoined.”

Noreen M. Sugrue, The Latino Policy, SSSP President 2021-2022

08/26/2021, 03:42 PM


August 24, 2021

Trending in Education Interview with Dr. Corey Dolgon and Mike Palmer, Founder and CEO, Palmer Media

Check out the Trending in Education Interview (26 minutes) with Dr. Corey Dolgon and Mike Palmer, Founder and CEO, Palmer Media. They discussed the 71st SSSP Virtual Annual Meeting, the rise of social movement work around the world, the origin of SSSP and where he would like to see SSSP in the future.

08/24/2021, 02:52 PM


August 20, 2021

Climate Change

There are 13 states reporting wildfires by mid-July after record heat waves all over the U.S. in late June, 2021. Since 1983, three years witnessed burning area over 10 million acres: 2015, 2017, and 2020. Extreme weather is damaging other parts of the world as well. In June 2021, a Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework was passed and supported by the White House. The Framework includes environmental protection measures such as reducing harmful emissions, upgrading renewable energy, and addressing legacy pollution. The U.S. had led the world in environmental protection since the early 20th century with a landmark book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson describing the horrors of pollution. The current policy favoring environmental protection is a good start to tackle the serious climate change issue and hopefully more is to come. Global cooperation is needed on this front of environmental protection. A link to China’s 2010 Greenbook is provided after that of Silent Spring.


08/20/2021, 08:05 AM


August 17, 2021

Congratulations to the Student Paper Competition Winners

Congratulations to all of the Student Paper Competition Winners for their outstanding accomplishment of receiving a division award for their student papers. The selection of each student paper for the award signifies exceptional writing and scholarship, as well as tremendous potential for a successful career. To read the abstracts for the 2021 Student Paper Competition winners and honorable mentions, visit: Additional information regarding eligibility for next year’s student paper awards will be available on the SSSP website this fall.

08/17/2021, 12:01 PM


August 12, 2021

Congratulations to the Award, Fellowship, and Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the Award, Fellowship, and Scholarship winners! We would like to recognize them for their active pursuit in the application of critical, scientific, and humanistic perspectives to the study of vital social problems, and their accomplishment of being exceptional scholars, practitioners, advocates, and students. SSSP highlights these outstanding individuals on our webpage. Click here to see a full list of the 2021 winners.

08/12/2021, 08:16 AM


August 10, 2021

August issue of Social Problems is now available

SSSP members can access the August issue of Social Problems via our website. Please visit or follow the members-only link below for complimentary electronic access. All issues from 1953 - current are available. Members are required to login using their e-mail and password. If you have forgotten your password, you may enter your e-mail address below the log-in area, and your password will be e-mailed to you. If you have recently changed your e-mail address, you will need to log in using the e-mail address SSSP has on file for you. If you have any questions or need assistance, please e-mail the Administrative Office, at sssp@utk.edu

08/10/2021, 09:54 AM


August 03, 2021

Make Plans to Attend the 2021 SSSP Virtual Annual Meeting

The 71st SSSP Virtual Annual Meeting is almost here! Take a look at the final program schedule to plan your daily schedule now. To register, click here.

08/03/2021, 08:24 AM