Latest SSSP News

Archives - November 2018

November 29, 2018

About the SSSP Annual Meetings

The SSSP Annual Meetings welcomes attendees from all over the world as excellent opportunities for students, professors, activists, and private sector professionals to explore and discuss diverse social problems. The mission of our Annual Meetings is to create social justice through your research and activism.

Learn more about next year’s annual meeting in New York City now! Click here to acquaint yourself with next year’s theme, call for papershotel reservation information, and more.

11/29/2018, 09:00 AM


November 27, 2018

About SSSP Awards/Fellowship/Scholarship

The SSSP and its sponsors are proud to recognize outstanding scholars, practitioners, advocates, and students who demonstrate active pursuit in the application of critical, scientific, and humanistic perspectives to the study of vital social problems.  To learn more about SSSP’s awards, fellowship, and scholarship, including nomination information, visit

To view past winners, click

11/27/2018, 09:45 AM


November 21, 2018

Social Problems’ Social Media Presence

Come join the conversation.  Social Problems, the official journal of the SSSP, has established a social media presence.  View the most recently-published articles as well as additional content like editorial commentary, vodcast interviews with authors, practical advice for professional development, funding opportunities, and general disciplinary announcements.  Come “like,” “follow,” or “favorite” us at your preferred venues by clicking the icons below:





11/21/2018, 08:51 AM


November 20, 2018

SSSP Listserv

The purpose of the SSSP listserv is to facilitate discussion among current SSSP members and to serve as a place where members can seek professional advice related to the mission of SSSP; share related materials, including book reviews and events in the news; make related announcements, including events, job openings, activities, books, and call for papers; and offer other related intellectual food for thought.  The listserv is an optional benefit for SSSP members.  To join the listserv, visit:

You must be logged in to access the listserv request form.  If you are not a current member, visit, to join or renew your membership!

11/20/2018, 09:58 AM


November 19, 2018

Take Action! Letter to President Trump concerning Border Troop Deployment

The Board of Directors of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP), wrote to President Trump to express deep concern and consternation over both the deployment of active duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico Border to counter a caravan of Central American migrants and the denial of asylum eligibility for refugees entering the country outside of an official port of entry.  Both actions contribute to an already heightened climate of xenophobia in the United States and both raise questions about our adherence to the law, including international law, and commitment to human rights.  To read the entire letter click here. 

11/19/2018, 02:59 PM


November 15, 2018

General Election Ballot

The 2019 General Election Ballot Preview is now available for viewing!  Candidates for the 2019 General Election have prepared online resume forms featuring publications and candidate statements to acquaint the membership with their qualifications for the positions.  Click here to view the 2019 General Election Ballot Preview.

11/15/2018, 09:38 AM


November 13, 2018

In Pursuit of Social Justice

SSSP is engaged in multiple avenues of social justice research and action including publication of resolutions and letters. In addition, the Thomas C. Hood Social Action Award recognizes social justice work of grassroots organizations in marginalized communities in the city/local area hosting the annual meeting (New York City in 2019). To learn more visit:

11/13/2018, 09:19 AM


November 08, 2018

Call for Nominations-2020 General Election

Nominations are open for candidates to run in the 2020 General Election.  We will be electing a President-Elect, a Vice-President-Elect, regular and student members of the Board of Directors, members of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee, Committee on Committees, Editorial and Publications Committee, and the Membership and Outreach Committee. 

Please consider nominating a colleague or yourself for one of these offices by completing the 
online nomination form

To learn more visit:

11/08/2018, 10:05 AM


November 06, 2018

November issue of Social Problems is now available

The November issue of Social Problems is now available on the SSSP website for all members.  Please visit our website at or follow the members-only link below for complimentary electronic access.  All issues from 1953 - current are available.  Members are required to login using your e-mail and password.  If you have forgotten your password, you may enter your e-mail address below the log-in area and your password will be e-mailed to you.  If you have recently changed your e-mail address, you will need to log in using the address SSSP has on file for you.

11/06/2018, 08:38 AM


November 01, 2018

SSSP Members News

SSSP provides space for members to share news of recently published books, articles and papers, award nominations and receptions, and other items of interest.  If you are a SSSP member and would like to post an item of interest, send an email to and include any relevant links to publishers, media outlets, and organizations that you wish to share.

11/01/2018, 11:02 AM